Tantrayut Telecommunications Pvt Ltd

A Myriad of Technologies!


The word ‘Tantrayut’ is derived from ancient language ‘Sanskrit’ and it is an addition of two different words ‘Tantra’ and ‘Ayut’. The first word symbolizes technology while the later one signifies unbounded or limitless nature. The choice of these words together could be interpreted as ‘Technology Without Bounds!’. In reality the bounds are always set by physics. The art of engineering is then to push the technology as close as to the limits set by fundamental physics.

Antenna Systems

L Band 1050-1650 MHz
Dual Circular Polarized Outputs
Strong Rejection to Mobile Bands
25-35 K Receiver Temperature
75-90 K System Temperature
Reference Noise Injection
Digitally Switchable Filter Bank

Product Development & Prototyping

RF, Microwave PCB designs
Fabrication & Testing
S-parameter Measurements
Antenna-RF/Microwave Integration

Consultancy Services

Feasibility Studies
Reflector Design
Feed Design
Planar Antennas
Microwave Passives
MMIC development


Antenna Design Services

We offer custom antenna design services on Turnkey basis. We use advanced antenna modelling tools to design antennas and prepare fabrication ready files for the customer (STEP, IGES for 3D structures and GDSII, DXF, Gerbers for planar structures). We have massive experience in design and development of various antenna types.
All these antennas are simulated using WIPL-D Pro CAD and production ready files are prepared using Autodesk Fusion 360.
Consult US to choose best antenna for your application or product

Active Microwave Circuits

Low Noise Amplifiers, Microwave Mixers, Multipliers, RF Switches and many more.
The core expertise lies in the area of LNA and Mixers and their integration with antennas.
We could also offer consultancy for MMIC development.

Microwave Passives Design

We offer assistance in design of planar microwave passives such as directional couplers, power combiners, hybrids, radial stubs, phase shifters, filters using a robust EM analysis.
We also have expertise for Waveguide components such as Waveguide Filters, Turnstile Junctions, Waveguide bends, Polarizers.
EM simulated performance of such structures is often found more closer to the reality. With precise EM modelling maturing your product in minimum iterations becomes feasible

Antenna Systems

Tailor your website to your liking with endless options to personalize the design and functionality.

RF Microwave Systems

Experience lightning-fast page load speeds for optimal user experience and SEO ranking.

Scientific Instrumentation

Built with search engines in mind, achieve higher rankings and more traffic with optimized code.

Dr. Yogesh Karandikar

15+ Years of Experience in the field of Consulting for developing prototype Product development related to Radio Frequency , Radar Engineering, Antenna Design, Microwave passive as well active Component design.

From 2007-2012 he was with the Doktorand working in Product Development such as Antenna design with Low Noise Amplifier, Planar Antenna.
In 2012 he received the PhD degree from the Microwave Electronics Laboratory, Dept of Micro technology and Nanoscience at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
From 2013-2014 Yogesh Karandikar was with the Omnisys Instruments, Sweden
Jan 2015 Yogesh Karandikar is with the Tantrayut Telecommunication Pvt.Ltd, India

Publication List of Dr. Yogesh Karandikar

[1] Y. B. Karandikar and P. S. Kildal, “Optimization of 200-800mhz eleven feed for gmrt,” in The Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2007, Nov 2007, pp. 1-6.
[2] P. S. Kildal, J. Yang, Y. Karandikar, N. Wadefalk, M. Pantaleev, and L. Helldner, “Development of coolable 2 -14 ghz eleven feed for future radio telescopes for ska and vlbi 2010,” in 2009 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Sept 2009, pp. 545-547.
[3] Y. B. Karandikar and P. S. Kildal, “X-ka dual band prime focus feed for satellite earth terminals,” in 2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, March 2009, pp. 3085-3089.
[4] Y. B. Karandikar, D. Nyberg, N. Jamaly, and P. S. Kildal, “Mode counting in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical cavities with application to wireless measurements in reverberation chambers,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1044-1046, Nov 2009.
[5] Y. B. Karandikar, “Pattern studies of two parallel dipoles above ground plane in eleven configuration as feed for reflector antenna,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9, pp. 558-561, 2010.